12 Week Vehicle Inspections/ Voluntary Safety Tests/ Preventative Maintenance Checks

Here at Paul Kavanagh Test Centre we help customers in scheduling vehicle inspections and carrying them out to the RSA standards. All inspections are carried out by a qualified CVR Tester. Your preventative maintenance programme for each vehicle should be thorough and regular enough that your vehicle is safe and roadworthy on the road.

The frequency of inspections is subject to condition of your vehicle, age and annual mileage, conditions under which your vehicle is being kept and used and degree to which the structure of the vehicle or parts are worn.

Our inspections include the following:

  • Braking equipment
  • Steering
  • Lights and electrics
  • Suspension, axles, wheels and tyres
  • Visibility
  • Chassis, cab and bodywork

All inspections are carried out by qualified CVR Testers.

Other Inspections

We offer pre-NCT inspections; brake tests; shock absorber tests; side slip tests; smoke tests, headlight aim tests etc.

Regular inspections not only will keep your vehicle roadworthy and safe but also will reduce unscheduled downtime and breakdowns.

All inspections are carried out by qualified CVR Testers.